Android Installation Guide for Lightroom Mobile Presets

Currently, Adobe doesn’t have a way for us to automatically install mobile presets. Not to worry, the process is simple. It involves downloading the Preset DNG files to your phone. These Preset DNG files have all the preset settings saved into them. Next, we will simply copy the preset settings from the DNG files into your personal Lightroom preset collection.

NOTE: Based on your lighting conditions, camera settings and personal style, these presets will work differently on every photo. The final touch may be done by you through small adjustments like changing the exposure to create your perfect image. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help tailoring these presets to your specific photo.

Video Link (or follow the written instructions below):


1 Go to your Google Play store. 

1.1 Download Adobe Lightroom: Photo Editor.


2.1 After purchase you will receive a download link via email. You can also download the presets from the website ( by logging into your account

2.2 Tap on the MOBILE version of the presets to download them to your phone. This is a ZIP file, and it will now need to be UNZIPPED

2.3 Click on the highlighted symbol and save the presets to your camera roll. In your camera roll they may show up as blank/grey squares – this is normal

*NOTE: If you can’t get the files unzipped on your device then contact us at and we’ll send you the unzipped files


3.1 Open up Lightroom mobile and press the import photos button in the bottom right and choose FROM FILES

3.2 Navigate to the file you just UNZIPPED (in the downloads folder)

3.3 Press the three dots in the upper right corner and choose the select button. Tap on all files in this folder. Click OPEN and they will be imported into lightroom.

3.4 Click on RECENTLY ADDED and you will see the files you just imported.


4.1 Open one of the preset .DMG files (they will be labelled preset #1, preset #2, etc)

4.2 Click the 3 dots in the top right corner and select CREATE PRESET.

Create a new Preset Group (Folder) for your presets collection so you can easily find your saved presets in the future.

4.3 All checkboxes under SELECT should be left marked as they are, they do not need to be adjusted.

4.4 Repeat the same process for all the presets you purchased. 


5.1 Go back to main Lightroom gallery (ALL PHOTOS) and choose your picture that you want to edit.

5.2 Find PRESETS option at the bottom Lightroom menu.

5.3 Select your Presets folder

5.4 Try different presets and find the best fit, save it.

Don’t hesitate to contact us through email at if you need help with any of the above steps or if you need the unzipped files sent to you.  Happy editing

Common Problems

  • If you can’t see the “Create Preset” button, make sure you’ve updated your Lightroom app
  • Make Sure you’ve selected PRESETS and not PROFILES in the main Lightroom slider
  • When creating presets, we advise that you create your own folder, otherwise the presets will be automatically saved in the Lightroom Folder
  • If you do not see your presets once you open the PRESETS section, check the different folders. If you do not select or did not previously create a folder, your presets will be saved in the folder called USER PRESETS
  • Can’t see the imported presets? Sort the gallery by IMPORT DATE
  • Do you see this error when trying to download the presets? Just simply copy the preset link and paste it into your browser. 

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